Cutting-edge AI models

State-of-the-art technology stack

Easy to integrate APIs

Trustworthy, fair and explainable recommendations

Low latency

Competitive pricing

Job Recommender
Key Features

Finds the perfect matches between candidates and jobs based
on content, preferences and interactions.

4-way matching

More than just jobs for candidates and candidates for jobs! Our system can match:

  • User to user
  • User to job
  • Job to user
  • Job to job

Increases user engagement

Boost your engagement with the Nobl Job Recommender:

  • 30% higher CVR than competing models
  • 50% higher CTR than competing models
  • Longer user sessions

Multi-faceted recommendations

Leverage much more than just job titles:

  • Content: CVs, skills, vacancy descriptions, ...
  • Preferences: location, salary, seniority, ...
  • Interactions: clicks, views, applies, ...

Modularity and explainability

Our state-of-the-art architecture uses submodules that capture different aspects of the data ensuring adaptability and explainability.

Corrects popularity and other biasses in data

Our patent pending CNE submodule mitigates biases and ensures fair and accurate insights.

Avoids cold start problems

Ensures smooth onboarding for users and vacancies event with limited content.

Custom filtering based on business logic

We provide flexible filtering and relevance re-ranking based on specific business logic and needs.

Career Path Recommender Key Features

Provides data-driven and skill-based career path recommendations, guidance to reach a target job
and answers to what-if job-market-related

Recommend career paths and high-potential candidates

Provide guidance such as next steps or potential career goals to job seekers based on their experiences and education. Or find the candidates with the most potential for a given vacancy.

Skill gap analysis

Interested in providing upskilling/reskilling recommendations for job seekers? Our career planner analyzes skill gaps between pairs of jobs or user profiles and vacancies and identifies missing skills.

Answers what-if questions

Allow job seekers to explore hypothetical career scenarios and next steps and provide insights into the possible outcomes.

Occupation Tagger Features

Tags plain-text occupation descriptions with labels from proprietary or standard occupation taxonomies (ISCO, ESCO, ASCO, ROME, O*Net, …).

Tagging from job titles only or titles and descriptions

Tag job vacancies and user profile experiences by title or title and description.

With tagging confidence scores

Obtain a list of possible tags with their associanted confidence scores.

High accuracy

Our tagger ensures highly accurate labels even when only limitad data is available.


The tagger accepts inputs in the main european languages such as English, French, Spanish and Dutch.

Multi-standard (ISCO, ESCO, ASCO, ROME, O*Net, …)

Our system supports tagging in any standard occupation taxonomy.

Adaptable to proprietary taxonomies

Our model can be easily adapted to provide tagging in proprietary taxonomies.

Zero-shot learning model

Our zero-shot learning model requires no training and is always ready to deliver the correct tags.

Explore the Nobl AI Products Today

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